Pursuing a college degree means making tough choices. For those interested in the aviation field, options are fewer but still just as difficult to isolate. Below are five of the top aviation schools in the United States for your consideration, and while none of these...
Preparation is everything for a pilot. When we drive a car or ride a bike, most of us take the vehicle’s safety and operationality for granted; we assume that when we turn that key or press down on that pedal, the vehicle will get us to where we need to be. We...
Piloting a plane is exhilarating, but it certainly isn’t easy. Those interested in learning to fly need put in considerable time, practice, and effort in order to become certified. Truthfully, I wouldn’t have it any other way; piloting a plane requires...
Who doesn’t love flying? Unfortunately, most airline passengers would answer in the affirmative. Traveling through the sky can be a thrilling, almost surreal experience – but for many, a trip through the clouds is an uncomfortable necessity; an hours-long...