Reading blogs is a great way for pilots to keep up with the latest industry news. They are seldom operated by multinational companies, so they may be filled with alternative viewpoints that pilots might not otherwise consider. Since it is nearly impossible for pilots to read all the blogs written for them, they should consider these top five pilot blogs.
Posting about 23 times a week, Flying Magazine is a one-stop blog for almost any type of aviation news. Frequent topics include aircraft, gear, and careers. Many pilots especially enjoy the pilot proficiency section covering accidents, flight planning, weather and a tip of the week. Many of the posts cover topics pilots will not read about in regular news sources.
Posting about once each day, this blog owned by Madavor Media, is aimed at active piston-engine pilots or those who want to be. Sections of this blog include proficiency including learning to fly, products including new books interesting to pilots, journeys, and aviation careers. The largest section, however, is dedicated to interesting pilot stories from around the globe. While the whole site is blog-like, they even maintain a blog covering a variety of topics that do not easily fit into other categories.
Pilots interested in buying a new plane may already be familiar with, but do not overlook their blog focusing on opinions about topics that many business pilots are talking about regularly. Pilots can use the site’s airport resources to learn about various airports including fuel cost at any airport in the United States. This site also includes a listing of different businesses interested to those who own their own small plane.
Universal Operational Insight Blog
Written by a team of pilots and weather experts, this blog updates every single day and explores the issues of flying into different airports around the globe including permits, airplane parking and services that pilots may need in the foreign location. Many of the blog posts contain two to four parts allowing pilots to absorb the information into bite-sized pieces.
The staff at AirlineReporter keeps commercial pilots and others in the industry up-to-date on the latest news. With about one post a week, topics cover the entire globe, and they often show the impact that changes in the industry may have on commercial aviation. An active comment area gives pilots a chance to spout off with their own opinion.
Following these five blogs will help pilots keep up with various sectors of the industry. Read them to stay in the know every week.